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Schema ​

One of the most important areas to create a secure web server is to make sure that requests are in the correct shape.

Elysia handled this by providing a validation tool out of the box to validate incoming requests using Schema Builder.

Elysia.t, a schema builder based on TypeBox to validate the value in both runtime and compile-time, providing type safety like in a strict type language.

Type ​

Elysia schema can validate the following:

  • body - HTTP body.
  • query - query string or URL parameters.
  • params - Path parameters.
  • header - Request's headers.
  • cookie - Request's cookie
  • response - Value returned from handler

Schema can be categorized into 2 types:

  1. Local Schema: Validate on a specific route
  2. Global Schema: Validate on every route

Local Schema ​

The local schema is executed on a specific route.

To validate a local schema, you can inline schema into a route handler:

import { Elysia, t } from 'elysia'

new Elysia()
    .get('/id/:id', ({ params: { id } }) => id, {
        params: t.Object({ 
            id: t.Numeric() 
import { Elysia, t } from 'elysia'

new Elysia()
    .get('/id/:id', ({ params: { id } }) => id, {
        params: t.Object({ 
            id: t.Numeric() 

This code ensures that our path parameter id, will always be a numeric string and then transform to a number automatically in both runtime and compile-time (type-level).

The response should be listed as follows:


Global Schema ​

Register hook into every handler that came after.

To add a global hook, you can use .guard followed by a life cycle event in camelCase:

import { Elysia, t } from 'elysia'

new Elysia()
    .get('/none', () => 'hi')
        query: t.Object({ 
            name: t.String() 
    .get('/query', ({ query: { name } }) => name)
import { Elysia, t } from 'elysia'

new Elysia()
    .get('/none', () => 'hi')
        query: t.Object({ 
            name: t.String() 
    .get('/query', ({ query: { name } }) => name)

The response should be listed as follows:


As Lifecycle Event, it is important to remember that the order of Elysia's schema is stored as same as lifecycle, a queue, or first-in-first-out.

Elysia always respects the order of code from top to bottom followed by the order of life-cycle event and validation schema.